Farrah is a 15-year-old who found herself pregnant unexpectedly.

She told her mother, and her mother did not want her to keep the baby.

She thought she was too young.

Farrah and her mother turned to the internet for information about getting an abortion.

They clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led them to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Farrah came in the next day with her mother for an appointment.

Farrah had not been to a doctor yet, but she called an abortion clinic for information before she was connected to our life-affirming partner.

She explained that she did not understand what they were talking about.

The staff answered all of Farrah’s questions, and shared that they were there to support her in the process.

She shared that she did not want to parent because it would remind her that the father of her baby “did not want it.”

She also shared that she was feeling guilty and depressed about the pregnancy.

Farrah’s mother was uneasy during the appointment, not wanting the staff to share about the effects of abortion.

During the ultrasound, the nurse confirmed the baby was 18 weeks old.

Farrah found out she was having a baby boy.

She left the center choosing life for her precious baby!