Hannah found herself pregnant unexpectedly because of a unique situation.
She and her husband had been separated for six years, but have not officially divorced.
They have several children together, and recently got back together casually.
Hannah was surprised to find out she was pregnant, and was unsure who the father of her baby might be.
She was scared, so she turned to the internet, and searched for information about getting an abortion.
Hannah clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.
She called the number she saw on the screen, and agreed to come in for an appointment.
Hannah walked through the doors alone and afraid.
She met with a peer counselor, and talked about her story. Hannah was grateful that someone was willing to listen
to her.
After learning about abortion information, Hannah started to second guess her decision to follow-through with an abortion.
Ultimately, after having an ultrasound, she was reminded of the precious life growing inside.
Hannah chose life for her baby!
Praise Jesus for connecting her to a life-affirming center!