Hannah is a 29-year-old who found out she was pregnant by surprise.

She confirmed her pregnancy at Planned Parenthood, and started to think about getting an abortion.

Hannah searched on the internet for information, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Chicago.

She texted the number she saw on the screen, and agreed to come in for a free ultrasound appointment.

Hannah met with our partner, and indicated she was nearly 6 weeks pregnant.

She shared that she was fearful because of her unstable financial and living situation.

Hannah also shared that her doctor discouraged further pregnancies after Hannah lost twins during her second trimester, and had a daughter born prematurely at 22-weeks.

However, after talking with a client advocate, and seeing her baby on the ultrasound screen, Hannah began to reconsider her decision.

She chose to continue her pregnancy, and will continue meeting with the local Pregnancy Help Center for prenatal care!

Praise Jesus for saving this beautiful life from abortion!