Harper planned on getting an abortion.
She walked into an abortion clinic thinking this was her only option.
She was shocked to learn that she was in her second trimester and was troubled by what an abortion procedure would entail at this point.
Harper became emotional and said that she wanted to get an abortion because she lives alone and is not close to her family, friends, or father of her baby.
She left the abortion clinic that day still searching for answers, so she turned to the internet.
Harper clicked a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.
She came in for an appointment the next day.
Harper was shown compassion and care that she did not get at the abortion clinic.
She came back for an ultrasound appointment, and was overcome with emotion.
She stated that she was so used to suppressing her feelings.
The counselors promised to follow up with Harper, and talk through her feelings.
One day the counselor called and with great joy heard the wonderful news that Harper chose life!
Harper shared how thankful she was for this center’s support, and knew she was not alone in her pregnancy.
She recently delivered a precious baby boy and is filled with love for him.
Thanks be to God for this beautiful miracle!