Harper found herself pregnant by surprise at age 15.

She did not feel ready at this young age to parent a child.

Harper was scared, and told her older sister and mother. Her sister “guided” her through the abortion process.

Harper searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the number on the screen and agreed to come in for an appointment to discuss her options.

Harper’s sister told her to not let the center scare her about abortion.

During the counseling session, Harper shared that her mother is actually supportive of the pregnancy.

Harper had an ultrasound at a doctor’s office, but made a point to not look at the screen.

The staff offered for her to get another ultrasound for free.

She was 20 weeks along in her pregnancy, and left the center not knowing what she wanted to do.

Harper followed up a few days later, and shared that she chose life for her baby!

Praise God for connecting Harper to a life-affirming center, and giving her the courage to say yes to life!