Heather is a 16-year-old who faced one of her greatest fears as a teenager: an unexpected pregnancy.

She was terrified after seeing a positive pregnancy test, and did not know what to do. Heather was afraid to tell anyone about this pregnancy, including her mother.

She did tell her partner, and they both agreed to start looking for an abortion.

Heather searched on her phone for information, and clicked a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She made an appointment, and came in with her baby’s father a few days later.

Heather met with a counselor, and opened up more about her situation.

She stated that she was afraid to break the news with her mother, even though she has a close relationship with her.

The reason is because her mother was a teen mom, and Heather was afraid she would get overwhelmed learning that her daughter would have to go through the same thing.

Heather is not currently dating her baby’s father, but he is supportive of parenting.

Heather came back for a follow-up ultrasound appointment, and it was there where she stated she wanted to keep her baby!

She has told her mother, and she is supportive.

Praise God!