At age 20, Heather found out she was pregnant by surprise.

She is a freshman in college.

Heather was terrified of disappointing her parents and having to drop out of school.

She got pregnant with a friend from her college – they are not in a relationship.

Heather told her baby’s father, and he wanted her to get an abortion.

She felt trapped, and turned to her phone for information.

Heather clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the number she saw on the screen, and spoke with a counselor to set up an appointment.

Heather met with a counselor, and shared that she was unsure of what to do.

She stated that she knows abortion is wrong because she is a Christian, but felt like she had no other choice. Heather was grateful for the encouragement she received from the staff at the clinic.

She drove almost 2 and a half hours to get there.

Heather stated that if the father of her baby was more supportive, she would not have considered an abortion.

The ultrasound was inconclusive, so she came in for a follow-up two weeks later with three of her friends who were very supportive.

Heather chose life for her baby!

Praise God for giving her the courage to say yes to life!