Heather is the mother of a 2 year-old. After breaking up with the father of her child, she began dating someone else shortly after.

She faced an unplanned pregnancy, not knowing who her baby’s father was.

Heather did not want to continue the pregnancy while in limbo, so she searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Heather came in for an appointment the next day.

At the appointment, Heather discussed her dilemma.

She shared with the counselor that she wanted to mend the relationship she had with her two year-old’s father, but telling him that she might be pregnant with another man would not help the situation.

The counselor listened with compassion, and talked about abortion procedures and risks, as well as other life-affirming options.

Heather left the center undecided about her pregnancy, but followed up a few days later.

She shared that she and the father of her two year-old want to work on their relationship.

He took a second job to prepare for the birth of their baby!

Praise God for saving the life of this child.