Isabelle was in the middle of getting a divorce with her husband when she found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

This was the last thing she wanted to face, as she and her husband were already stressed in the middle of a divorce.

Isabelle could not think of anything besides getting an abortion.

She felt this was her only option, so she searched online for information.

Isabelle clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She spoke with the receptionist, and made an appointment to come in as soon as she could.

During the appointment, Isabelle opened up about her past experience with pregnancy.

She shared that she had an abortion in the past.

The counselor listened to her, and showed her support.

After, Isabelle had an ultrasound, which revealed she was 12 weeks along in her pregnancy.

She decided in that moment she could not go through with getting an abortion.

Praise God for connecting Isabelle to a life-affirming center!