Isabelle was terrified when she found out that she might be pregnant.

She took three home pregnancy tests, but wanted to confirm to make sure.

Isabelle felt alone and helpless after recently moving to a new city with no family support around her.

She searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that
connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She came in for an appointment a few days later.

During the appointment, Isabelle opened up about her background.

She stated that her father is a former football player, and he is an alcoholic.

She grew up juggling between her parents all of her life.

Isabelle shared she did not feel like she had security in her life, so bringing a baby into the picture would make it harder.

She also shared that the father of her baby is not working, and he has a criminal background.

However, after Isabelle saw her baby on the ultrasound screen, she knew her baby deserved a chance.

Isabelle chose to continue her pregnancy!

Praise God!