Isabelle is a 25-year-old who found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She is the mother of two children, but she did not anticipate having another child, especially at the time she found out.

Isabelle started to think about her options. She searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Isabelle called the number she saw on the screen right away, and came in for an appointment.

Isabelle felt a weight lift off her shoulder as she processed her fears with a counselor.

She was grateful for the support she received at the center.

Isabelle had an ultrasound, and this was when her mind and heart completely changed.

She wanted to parent her child! Isabelle was excited to find out her baby’s gender in the coming weeks.

Praise God for saving this child from abortion!