Ivy found out she was pregnant at age 34.

She is married with four children, aged 19 to 12.

Ivy was not planning on having another baby.

She was shocked after seeing the positive pregnancy test, and told her husband.

He was also shocked, but wanted them to have their baby.

Ivy started questioning whether or not she should get an abortion.

She searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that
connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the number she saw on the screen, and made an appointment to come in a few days later.

Ivy met with a peer counselor, and opened up about her fears.

She was afraid to “start over” as a mother.

She also shared that she had been drinking alcohol, and was afraid for the baby’s health.

Ivy had an ultrasound, and after seeing precious life on the screen, she decided she could not go through with an abortion.

She was also grateful to have her husband’s support.

Praise God for saving this baby and mother from the tragedy of abortion!