Jane is a young woman who faced an unexpected pregnancy with her boyfriend.

She was scared that a baby would ruin her education and career plans.

Jane did not know what to do, so she turned to the internet.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She came in for an appointment a few days later with her boyfriend.

Jane spoke with a counselor about her feelings toward the pregnancy.

She shared that she had an abortion when she was 16, and was still hurting from it.

She cried a few times as she talked about the experience, but felt trapped again.

Jane had an ultrasound with her boyfriend in the room.

She was pretty quiet, but her boyfriend expressed that he was happy about the baby.

The couple had a positive outlook toward the end of the appointment, and Jane shared that she wants to continue the pregnancy.

Thanks be to God for saving this life from abortion!