Janet is a high school student who found herself pregnant with her boyfriend.

She was terrified when she saw the positive pregnancy test, and did not know where to turn.

She was afraid to tell her parents because she did not know how they would react.

Janet told her boyfriend, and he stated that he was on board with any decision she made.

Janet started to think abortion.

She searched on her phone for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Janet spoke with a receptionist, and set up an appointment to come in the next day.

Janet brought her boyfriend to the appointment. She came into the center thinking of aborting because she had plans to go to college after graduating high school.

She had a scholarship to a university.

Janet was interested in learning about different abortion procedures.

The nurse discussed the procedures, and Janet had an ultrasound.

Janet was torn after seeing her baby on the screen.

She left undecided about what she was going to do.

In a follow-up conversation, Janet shared that she wanted to parent her baby!

Praise Jesus!