Jenna is a 23 year-old who faced an unplanned pregnancy with her husband.

When she told him she was pregnant, he was supportive of whatever she decided.

She has two children, and both pregnancies were high risk, so her doctor advised her not to have any more children.

Jenna feared going through another pregnancy, so she turned to the internet and searched online for getting an abortion.

Jenna clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to text a number on the screen.

She came into a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media for an appointment.

Jenna met with counselors to discuss her fears.

She shared that she was terrified of losing her life and leaving her kids and husband behind.

She allowed the counselor to talk with her about Jesus.

The counselor referred Jenna to a doctor who specializes in high risk pregnancy.

She decided a few weeks later that she wanted to continue her pregnancy.

Praise God for giving Jenna comfort during a scary time, and giving her courage to say yes to life!