At age 19, Jennifer learned that she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She was scared, and was afraid to tell her mother, but she did.

Jennifer’s mother began to pressure her to get an abortion because she did not approve of Jennifer’s boyfriend, and she did not want to have the “burden” of taking care of her grandchild.

Jennifer started to believe that abortion might be her only viable option, so she turned to the internet for answers.

After clicking on a Heroic Media Google ad, Jennifer was directed to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Chicago.

She and her mother came in the next day for an initial appointment.

Jennifer had a pregnancy test confirmation, and sat down with a peer counselor.

Her mother disclosed that she had three abortions of her own in the past, and justified reasons she had the abortions.

Jennifer had an ultrasound, which revealed a viable, 18-week pregnancy.

She was overwhelmed to see the development of her baby on the screen.

The peer counselor spoke with Jennifer alone after her appointment, and Jennifer expressed that she did not want to have an abortion.

The counselor assured her that she would be given support and resources to help her move forward with pregnancy.

Jennifer was grateful, and followed up stating that she made the courageous decision for life!