Jenny is a 21-year-old young woman who faced an unexpected pregnancy.
She is the mother of a two-year-old son.
Jenny felt like she had no other option but abortion because she was in an unhealthy relationship.
This was not the first time Jenny contemplated having an abortion.
She was pressured by her mother at age 16 to have an abortion.
Jenny sought information about getting an abortion on her phone, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.
She spoke with a counselor on the phone, and agreed to come in for an appointment the next day.
Jenny asked several questions about abortion when she met with our partner.
She opened up about her experience with a surgical abortion, and shared that she thinks about the child she lost to abortion every day, especially when she drives by the abortion clinic.
She scheduled another appointment to come in for an ultrasound.
During the ultrasound, Jenny decided to continue her pregnancy!
Praise God for saving this beautiful life from abortion, and for saving Jenny from the hurt of another abortion!