Joan felt defeated.

She had hoped never to be in this situation again.

The father of her children had stopped providing support for her.

Now she was providing for herself, her three children, and her sister and niece who lived with her.

Joan did not think she could handle providing for one more baby.

She needed to get this taken care of, and quickly.

Joan searched for abortion information on the internet and clicked on a Heroic Media ad.

She was connected with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Chicago and made an appointment.

Joan came to her appointment ready to get an abortion and move on.

She shared with her client advocate that she worked six days a week to provide for all of her loved ones.

She also shared that she had twice chosen abortion in her past.

Joan knew abortion was a painful decision, but she just had too many people counting on her.

The client advocate reminded Joan that her new little baby was counting on her, too.

She reassured Joan that she still had the options of adoption and parenting.

She affirmed that the center would provide emotional, practical, and spiritual support at every point along this journey.

Joan’s heart began to open. When she saw her 8-week-old baby on the ultrasound screen, she smiled from ear to ear.

She took a picture of her baby and held it close to her heart.

“I’m going to keep this baby!”

Praise God for Joan’s courage and strength!