Jolie learned that she was pregnant by surprise at 40 years old.

She is the mother of a 5-year-old son, and had no intention of getting pregnant again at her age.

Jolie recently moved in with her boyfriend, and felt that having a baby would be too soon and inconvenient.

She told her boyfriend the news, and he stated that he would support her.

Jolie was doubtful about this pregnancy, so she turned to the internet for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Spanish specific Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Los Angeles.

Jolie agreed to come in a few days later for an appointment before proceeding with an abortion.

During the appointment, Jolie sat down to talk about her situation, and ask many questions about abortion.

She learned about abortion procedures and risks. Jolie learned that she was much farther along in her pregnancy than she thought.

She was referred to a doctor for an ultrasound, revealing that she was 18- weeks pregnant.

After counsel and an ultrasound, Jolie decided to continue her pregnancy!

Praise Jesus!