At age 24, Jordan found out she was pregnant by surprise.

She had a positive pregnancy test, and received an ultrasound.

Jordan began to think about getting an abortion.

She searched on the internet for information about abortion options, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She wanted to find out more information on the abortion pill.

The peer counselor suggested she come in for an appointment in person.

Jordan agreed, and came in two days later.

Jordan shared that her main reason for considering abortion was because of the stress of finances.

She was afraid she would not be able to make ends meet.

Jordan also shared that her baby’s father may not be her current boyfriend.

She had an ultrasound, showing an 8-week-old baby.

After the ultrasound, Jordan stated that she did not know if she could go through with an abortion.

She left the appointment undecided, and took a parenting packet, along with a packet of abortion information.

A few weeks later during a follow-up call, Jordan stated that she could not go through with an abortion.

She decided to parent her precious child!

Praise Jesus!