Julia is married with three children. She faced an unexpected pregnancy with her husband.

Julia felt overwhelmed at the thought of raising a fourth child, so without telling her husband, she looked online for information about getting an abortion.

Julia clicked on a Spanish-specific Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

On the phone, she shared with the counselor that she wanted an abortion procedure without her husband knowing.

The counselor scheduled her an appointment to come in and discuss her pregnancy options.

At her appointment, Julia learned about the fetal development of her baby.

She also learned more about the different abortion procedures, and effects of abortion.

As Julia was about to leave the center, she was more confident about parenting this child.

She shared that she wanted to keep her baby, and face the fears she was having.

Praise God for sustaining the life of this child, and sparing this mother from the hurt of abortion.

We are so thankful that Julia was connected to a life-affirming center.