Kaitlin is a 17 year-old who faced an unplanned pregnancy.

Her boyfriend did not handle the news well when he found out she was pregnant, so he searched online for information about where she could go to get an abortion.

Kaitlin’s boyfriend clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected him to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

He spoke on the phone with a counselor asking to get a waiver of parental consent for his girlfriend’s abortion.

He and Kaitlin agreed to come in for an appointment.

Kaitlin broke down while meeting one-on-one with a counselor at the center.

She wrote “Atheist” on her paperwork when asked about her faith, but expressed that she was raised in a Christian home.

Kaitlin did not want to get an abortion, and felt pressured by her 22 year-old boyfriend.

She told her mother about her pregnancy after leaving the appointment.

Kaitlin’s parents were disappointed, but supportive of the pregnancy.

Kaitlin broke up with her boyfriend before coming in for another appointment because she knew she needed to choose the life of her baby over her boyfriend’s lack of support.

Praise God for giving Kaitlin the courage to keep her baby!