Kara faced an unplanned pregnancy.

She is a single mother in her early 20’s, and currently unemployed.

Kara was afraid she could not handle raising another baby because of her circumstances, so she searched online for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Kara made an appointment when she first called the clinic, but then cancelled.

She called back to make another appointment, but never showed up.

Kara finally decided to come in after making an appointment for the third time.

She shared with the staff that she is a Christian.

Kara had an ultrasound, and after seeing her baby on the screen, she knew she could not go through with having an abortion.

She trusts that God has good plans for her and her baby.

We are so thankful that Kara was connected to a life-affirming center!