Katherine faced an unplanned pregnancy with her husband.

She did not plan on having a child, and feared that motherhood was not the right path for her.

After telling her husband that she wanted an abortion, he did not agree.

Katherine’s husband wanted to find out more information about abortion, so he searched on the internet.

He clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected him to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

He made a phone call.

Katherine’s husband sounded distraught when he spoke with a counselor from the center.

He shared that his wife was 20 weeks along in her pregnancy, and he did not know how to handle the situation because he wanted to keep the baby.

The counselor walked him through steps to provide his wife with compassion and comfort in the process.

He scheduled an appointment for her to come in for an ultrasound, but they did not show up.

The staff called to follow up with Katherine’s husband.

He shared that he talked to his wife, and she agreed that the best decision was to have their baby!