Katie faced an unexpected pregnancy at a young age.

She freaked out, and did not want to tell her boyfriend.

She told her close friend about her pregnancy.

Katie started to doubt that she could become a mother.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion.

Katie clicked on a Heroic Media Google ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the number she saw on the screen, and spoke with a receptionist.

The receptionist advised her to come in for an ultrasound, and to discuss her options.

Katie agreed, and came in for an appointment.

Katie brought her friend with her to the appointment.

The counselor asked Katie questions about her situation.

Katie opened up about having had an abortion in the past.

She stated, “I don’t feel like I could do that again.”

However, Katie found herself in a situation where abortion was all she could think about again.

After seeing her baby on the ultrasound screen, she cried and commented on how strong her baby’s heartbeat was.

She planned on telling her boyfriend when she left the center.

Katie brought her boyfriend to the next appointment.

She decided that she wanted to keep her baby! Praise God!