Katie is a 30-year-old who learned that she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She is the mother of one teenage son, and had never foreseen having another child.

Katie’s first thought was that she needed to get an abortion.

She searched on the internet for information, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in San Antonio.

Katie spoke with a receptionist on the phone, and decided to visit the center a few days later.

During her appointment, Katie received information on abortion and parenting resources.

While waiting to have her ultrasound, she spoke with the father of her baby, who wanted her to continue her pregnancy.

Katie ultimately decided to choose life for her baby!

She had an ultrasound, revealing a 6-week-old baby.

This precious baby is expected to arrive on November 7, 2018.

Praise for connecting Katie to a life-affirming center who provided her with the love and help she needed!