Katrina and her husband are the parents of a 5 month old, and faced an unplanned pregnancy.

They were both afraid to raise another baby because of their financial situation.

Katrina and her husband began to think that abortion was their only option, so they searched online for information about getting an abortion.

Katrina clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She spoke with a counselor on the phone, and agreed to come in with her husband for an appointment a few days later.

Katrina filled out a Decision Making Guide form during the appointment.

She had checked ‘unsure’ on a question that asked if she thought getting an abortion would affect her spiritual beliefs.

The counselor asked her about the question, and Katrina started crying because she knew abortion is a sin.

She shared that she did not want to sin against God, so she allowed the counselor to pray for her.

Katrina’s husband also allowed the counselor to pray with him, and he broke down.

Katrina and her husband chose life for their baby!

They are considering adoption for their miracle baby.

Praise God for opening their hearts to the reality of abortion and the beauty of life inside the womb!