Kellie is a young woman who had one thought in her mind when she saw a positive pregnancy test: abortion.

The thought could not escape her, and this was not the first time she came across this situation.

Kellie had had three abortions in her past at age 15, 18, and 23.

She is the mother of a 5-year-old son, and was afraid to raise another baby. Kellie searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She spoke with a receptionist on the phone, and came in the next day.

When Kellie opened up about her past experience with abortion, she was emotional.

The nurse confirmed that Kellie was much farther along in her pregnancy than she thought.

She was 25 weeks pregnant.

Kellie realized that having another abortion was not what God would have for her, and she decided to continue her pregnancy!

Praise God for giving Kellie the courage to say yes to the precious life growing inside her!