Kendra didn’t think she could take on the responsibility as a mother when she found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

In desperation, she searched on her phone for abortion information, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected
her to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Philadelphia.

She decided to walk in for an appointment the next day.

Kendra had never had an abortion before and was very emotional after learning how far along she was in her pregnancy.

She learned more information about what the abortion procedure would entail.

Kendra’s boyfriend had the desire to be a father to this child, but also expressed that he would support whatever decision that Kendra would make.

They left that day feeling overwhelmed and unsure of themselves as potential parents.

Kendra returned to meet with a counselor and see their baby again on the ultrasound screen.

When the couple returned, they joyfully stated they were keeping their baby!

After going home and talking, Kendra and her boyfriend knew their relationship could never be the same after an abortion.

They are very happy with their decision and grateful for the support they have received at the center.

Kendra and her boyfriend will continue to visit the center monthly to make a plan for their new baby’s arrival.

We are so thankful that this couple chose life for their baby!