Kennedy was shocked when she found out she was pregnant at age 16.

She had not expected to become pregnant as a high-school student.

In her distress, Kennedy searched on her phone for information about getting an abortion.

She felt that getting an abortion was her only viable option at this time in her life.

Kennedy clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Baton Rouge.

She called the number she saw on her screen, and spoke with a receptionist.

Kennedy already felt more relaxed after talking to someone who reminded her they are there to answer all of her questions.

She came in the next day to talk in person.

Kennedy shared that the father of her baby is not involved in her life.

She expressed that she was too young to become a mother, and had plans to become a cardiologist, stating that a baby might “get in the way.”

Kennedy had an ultrasound, revealing she was much farther along in her pregnancy than she thought.

At 20 weeks pregnant, Kennedy decided to continue her pregnancy!

She was amazed at the sight of her baby on the screen, and began to cry.

Praise Jesus for saving this life!