Kimberly is 18 and faced an unexpected pregnancy with her boyfriend who is 19.

She told her boyfriend after taking the positive test, and they both reacted the same way—“We can’t do this!”

Kimberly and her boyfriend both felt that it would ruin their lives, so they searched online for information about getting an abortion.

Kimberly clicked a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She and her boyfriend made an appointment, and came in the next day.

During the appointment, the counselor was able to meet with Kimberly and her boyfriend, and they started to calm down about the situation.

She had an ultrasound after speaking with the counselor.

The staff was praying that these young parents would hear a strong and clear heartbeat.

The ultrasound made it real as Kimberly heard the baby’s heartbeat.

She and her boyfriend started crying, and knew they could not go through with getting an abortion.

Praise God for this wonderful miracle!