Kimberly learned that she was facing an unexpected pregnancy at the young age of 18.

She is not currently with her baby’s father, and this is her first pregnancy.

Kimberly told her partner about the positive test, and he wanted her to get an abortion.

She was also afraid that her father would kick her out.

In fear, Kimberly searched on the internet for information about getting an abortion.

She called into a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media after clicking on one of our Google ads.

Kimberly was determined to get an abortion, but she agreed to come in to hear about her options.

At the appointment, Kimberly received an ultrasound, which seemed to change her perspective.

She still had many fears and challenges to overcome, but was thankful to hear about more options and support offered to her.

Kimberly left the center not knowing what she wanted to do.

Her peer counselor followed up with her on a call to check in with her, and Kimberly stated that she is having her baby.

Praise God for saving this life from abortion!