Kimberly found out that she was pregnant two weeks before moving out of state.

Kimberly, her boyfriend, her brother, and her best friend are living in an RV.

Though Kimberly and her boyfriend were somewhat excited about the pregnancy, they thought they would not be able to afford raising a child if they had trouble making ends meet while living in an RV.

Kimberly began to think that abortion was her only option, so she searched online for information and clicked on a Heroic Media ad.

The ad led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Kimberly and her boyfriend agreed to come in for an appointment.

The staff at the clinic offered counsel and resources to Kimberly and her boyfriend.

Kimberly’s boyfriend shared that he is a Christian, and Kimberly shared that she was raised in a Christian home, but she is not sure what she believes.

The couple was open to receiving help, and decided to continue with the pregnancy!

We are so thankful to hear that Kimberly and her boyfriend were courageous enough to choose life!