Kristen is a 25-year-old mother of two children. She has a 5-year-old with special needs, and a 14-month-old.

Kristen faced an unexpected reality: she was pregnant.

She could not imagine possibly taking on the responsibility of raising another child due to her circumstances.

She decided that abortion was her best option, even though the father of her baby did not want her to have one.

Kristen searched online for information, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that directed her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Waco, Texas.

She agreed to come in for an appointment the next day.

Kristen stated that she had been with her baby’s father for over three years, but sees him as a friend, and had no intention of a serious relationship with him.

Kristen learned that she was much farther along in her pregnancy than she thought after seeing her baby on the ultrasound screen.

At 21 weeks pregnant, Kristen decided to continue her pregnancy! She knew that after hearing her baby’s heartbeat, and seeing the development of her child, she could not go through with an abortion.

Praise Jesus!