Kristen is the young mother of a 2-year-old.

She faced an unexpected pregnancy with someone she did not see herself with long-term.

Kristen was scared when she saw the positive test, so she walked into an abortion clinic to see how to “take care
of it.”

The nurse at the abortion clinic did not let her see the ultrasound screen.

Kristen left unsure about what to do, but she was still contemplating an abortion.

She searched on the internet for information, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Kristen spoke with a receptionist on the phone, and agreed to come in for an appointment.

Kristen met with a counselor, and talked about her situation.

She shared that the father of her baby is not supportive.

Kristen felt alone and scared. However, she was encouraged after speaking with the counselor.

Kristen had an ultrasound, which revealed a healthy baby on the screen.

Her mind began to shift, but she still left that day undecided.

In a follow-up conversation, Kristen stated that she will continue her pregnancy!

Praise God for saving this life from abortion!