Krystal is the mother of one child, and found out she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She did not feel it was the right time to have another baby, so she began to search online for information about the abortion pill.

Krystal was connected to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media after clicking on a Heroic Media ad.

She called the number she saw on the screen, and asked questions about the pill because she was scared of surgical procedures.

The counselor recommended she come in for an ultrasound, so Krystal came in the next day.

During the appointment, Krystal stated that she broke things off with the father, and she did not tell him she was

She shared that she had already talked with an abortion clinic, but she was afraid she could not afford the procedure.

She was flustered, and walked out of the center not having a decision yet.

The staff followed up with Krystal, and she scheduled another appointment for an ultrasound.

She heard not one, but two heartbeats!

In a follow-up call, Krystal confirmed that she will parent her two miracle babies!

Thank God for His provision!