Kylie is a 23-year-old who found herself pregnant unexpectedly for the first time.

She was terrified because she was questioning who the baby’s father was.

Kylie was afraid to tell either of her partner’s.

She began to think about her options, and felt that abortion may be her only one.

Kylie searched online for information, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call one of our Pregnancy Help Center partners in Chicago.

She called the number on the screen, and spoke with a receptionist.

Kylie shared that she wanted to know how far along she was in her pregnancy to determine who the father might be.

The receptionist offered her an ultrasound at no cost to her, and she agreed to come in the next day.

Kylie learned that she was over 7 weeks pregnant.

She felt relieved after becoming more confident that the father of her baby was her long-term boyfriend.

After seeing her baby on the ultrasound screen, and speaking with a client advocate, Kylie decided she will parent her baby!

Praise God!