Kylie is a thirty year-old woman who is the mother of 3 children.

She had a complicated delivery with her 1 year-old child, and discovered she was pregnant again unexpectedly.

Kylie was afraid this pregnancy would also have complications, so she was scared.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Kylie came in to Crossroads for an appointment to find out more information about her options.

She shared that she had trouble trusting that the father of her baby would want to continue the pregnancy.

Kylie also had an ultrasound, and was deeply moved after seeing her child on the screen.

She decided to keep her baby despite these challenges that she was facing.

Praise God for saving this beautiful baby from abortion!

Kylie allowed the staff to pray with her.

She was grateful for the support that was offered to her.