Lacey is a 29-year-old that faced an unexpected pregnancy.

She is the mother of two daughters, who are 9 and 6, but they are both living with her parents.

Lacey did not think she could handle another child, especially if both of her children were living with her parents at the time.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion, and clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She agreed to come in for an appointment to talk with someone.

A staff member met with Lacey to hear about her concerns.

She shared that she is not currently in a relationship with her baby’s father, and she has not told her family she is pregnant.

Lacey also stated that she has had two miscarriages and one surgical 2nd trimester abortion.

She said it was a horrible experience, and wanted information on the abortion pill this time.

Lacey came back a week later for an ultrasound appointment.

After the ultrasound, she was surprised that she was that far along in her pregnancy.

She still requested more information on abortion, but after the conversation, Lacey decided she wanted to continue her pregnancy!