Lauren came in for an appointment with a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media seeking an abortion.

She was connected to the center by searching online for information about getting an abortion, and clicking on a Heroic Media ad.

Lauren had a full ride scholarship to a college university.

She met with a peer counselor and stated, “I cannot have a baby.”

Lauren shared that her mother and sister were both teenage mothers, and she did not want that life for herself.

Lauren had an ultrasound, which showed she was 20-21 weeks pregnant.

She was surprised to see that she was that far along in her pregnancy.

The nurse showed Lauren a video about second trimester abortion after Lauren inquired about it.

Lauren left the center still intending to abort, but she returned a few weeks later thanking the staff.

She shared that her and her boyfriend drove to New Jersey for an abortion, but when they got there they decided they “just couldn’t do it.”

Lauren chose life for her baby! Lauren talked with her coach at the university, and her coach said they would hold her scholarship for the next year so she could have her baby.

Praise God!