“Get rid of it.”

Her boyfriend’s words rang in Leanne’s ears as she Googled abortion information.

She felt overwhelmed with sadness.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad and was connected with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Illinois, where she made an appointment through a tearful phone call.

“I got your number from a website. I am pregnant, and I need to get an abortion.”

The phone call with the center was intense and the entire staff gathered together after the call and prayed that Leanne would keep her appointment.

Everyone was thrilled when Leanne walked through the center’s doors the next day!

After telling the counselor the hurtful words of her boyfriend, Leanne confided that she had had several abortions in her past.

She broke down in tears and said she did not know how many times God could forgive her for making the same mistake, again and again.

The counselor assured Leanne that God loved her unconditionally and delighted in her no matter what had happened in her past.

She wept even more and said, “What a relief it is to know that!”

After more conversation, education and an ultrasound, the counselor offered to pray with Leanne and read her some Scripture.

After praying, Leanne thanked the counselor and left the appointment.

A week after her appointment, Leanne texted her counselor and shared that she had started on prenatal vitamins and was choosing life for her baby!

The center continued to pray with Leanne, support her, and accompany her with love through her pregnancy.

Blessed be God forever!