Lena could not believe her eyes.
Pregnant, again? At 22 years old, Lena already had a 7-month-old daughter.
She told her boyfriend she felt totally overwhelmed and that it would be impossible to handle having two babies under the age of two.
Lena googled abortion information and clicked on a Heroic Media ad, which connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center in Tampa, Florida.
She made an appointment and came into the center the same week.
At her appointment, Lena shared with the counselors her hopes, her dreams, and her wounds.
For years, her stepfather had sexually abused her, and her mother had never apologized, choosing her husband over her daughter.
The trauma of the abuse and the pain of her relationship with her mother still haunted her, making motherhood an even more challenging task.
The counselor shared with Lena that the pregnancy center offered healing classes she could take that specifically addressed childhood sexual trauma, and another class on healthy relationships.
Lena had an immediate opportunity to sit in on the healthy relationships class.
Completely engaged by the material, and amazed by the compassion and care the center provided, not only for her baby, but for her, Lena began to change her mind.
By the end of the 3-and-1/2-hour appointment, overwhelmed with the love and support from the center, Lena had changed her mind about wanting an abortion.
She chose life for her child and, with that, a new future for herself!