At 23, and the mother of a 2-year-old, Lila could not imagine having another baby.

When she found out she was pregnant, she immediately felt overwhelmed by the thought of trying to raise two
children so close in age.

Working a minimum wage job and navigating her relationship with a controlling and abusive boyfriend added to Lila’s stress and fear.

Lila turned to google for information about abortion and clicked on a Heroic Media ad.

She was connected to a Pregnancy Help Center in Tampa, Florida, and made an appointment for the same week.

When Lila came in for her appointment, she shared with the counselor her wounds from her traumatic childhood, suffering physical and verbal abuse from both of her parents.

Estranged from her family and afraid of her boyfriend, Lila felt that she had no support.

The pregnancy center staff recognized that Lila needed a family.

They affirmed Lila’s intelligence and her motherhood and assured her that they would provide the help and strong support system Lila and her children needed.

As Lila watched her tiny baby dance on the ultrasound screen, her counselor told her she would never regret having this baby, but she would regret having an abortion.

Moved to tears by truth and the love she had been shown, Lila chose life for her child!

Lila comes to the center every week, where the staff is providing her medical care and helping her set goals so she can go to school and make a better life for herself and her children.

God be praised!