Lindsey is a young woman who did not think she would face a pregnancy at this time in her life.

She was terrified that raising a child would interfere with her finances and career plans she had in mind.

Lindsey told her boyfriend, and he began to feel overwhelmed too.

They were both full-time college students.

Lindsey and her boyfriend agreed to consider abortion.

She searched on the internet to find out more answers, and clicked on a Heroic Media as that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Lindsey spoke with a receptionist on the phone, and agreed to come in for an appointment a couple days later.

Lindsey and her boyfriend arrived at the clinic with several questions.

Lindsey shared she had been on her own financially since she was 16, and she was scared to take on more responsibility.

The counselor discussed the risks associated with abortion including the potential emotional impact.

After Lindsey had the ultrasound, she stated that she was not sure what she wanted to do.

In a follow up conversation, Lindsey stated she decided to parent and already had a follow up appointment with prenatal care.

Praise God for His intervention!