Lola faced an unplanned pregnancy.

She is a mother of two children, but did not plan on having another baby.

The father wanted her to keep the baby because it would be his first child and he offered his support.

However, Lola did not seem confident in parenting another baby. She began to search the internet for information about getting an abortion.

Lola clicked on a Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Lola came in for an appointment the following day to confirm her pregnancy and get an ultrasound.

After speaking with counselors and gathering her thoughts, Lola felt encouraged and more confident than before about her pregnancy.

She discovered that she was carrying twins as she looked at the ultrasound screen.

Lola and her partner were surprised, but now feel blessed to become parents to twin babies.

Praise God for not only saving one, but two lives from abortion!