Lori is a 22-year-old who faced an unexpected pregnancy, and she did not know what to do.

Lori felt alone and scared, so she turned to the internet for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media advertisement that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Lori spoke with a counselor over the phone, and agreed to come in for more in-depth counseling.

Lori shared with the counselor that her boyfriend would support her if she decided to parent their baby, but she did not feel ready.

She also shared that she’d had an abortion and three miscarriages in the past.

Lori’s counselor went over abortion risks and procedures, and Lori said she knew that the miscarriages could have been a consequence of the abortion.

She wanted to have another child, but not so soon.

After talking with the counselor and getting support, Lori was encouraged.

She began to realize she did not want to go through the pain of another abortion.

Lori decided to have her baby!