Lucia is a married woman who has two daughters from another marriage.

She found out she was pregnant out of wedlock. Lucia was doubting this pregnancy, and did not feel comfortable having another child at the time.

She searched online for information about getting an abortion.

Lucia clicked on a Spanish Heroic Media ad that connected her to a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

She called the number she saw on the screen and spoke with a staff member at the center.

Lucia agreed to come in for an appointment the following day.

Lucia learned more about the effects of abortion at her appointment, and thought more about the decision to abort her child.

Because of her strong Catholic beliefs, Lucia knew she could not go through with having an abortion.

Had she connected with an abortion clinic, she could have likely aborted her 5 week-old child, but we are so grateful to hear that Lucia chose life!