Lydia was terrified when she faced an unexpected pregnancy.

She did not know where to turn, and did not want to tell her baby’s father about her positive pregnancy test because they were no longer dating.

In desperation, Lydia turned to the internet for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media ad that led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

Lydia asked questions about abortion pills, and agreed to come in for an initial appointment.

During the appointment, Lydia expressed her concern and confusion.

She said she did not know what to do.

After talking with a counselor, Lydia began to feel more positive about the pregnancy.

She did not yet make a decision, but scheduled for a follow-up ultrasound appointment.

Lydia came back for the appointment a week later, and she brought a close friend for support.

She saw her baby on the ultrasound screen.

Lydia shared that she is going to parent her baby! She left the appointment planning to tell her parents.