Lydia did not feel prepared for a child. At all!

25 years old and finding herself pregnant for the first time, Lydia could not imagine how this child would fit into her plans for finishing school and pursuing her career.

When she shared the news with the father of the baby, she was surprised – and frustrated – to hear that he wanted to have the baby and he would co-parent with her even if she did not want to be with him.

Her mother told her she would support her in any decision.

Feeling confused and overwhelmed, Lydia performed a Google search and clicked on a Heroic Media ad which connected her with our Pregnancy Help Center partner in Chicago.

She made an appointment with the center and came to the appointment by herself.

Lydia shared her situation and that she thought her best option was an abortion.

Even though she was a well-educated young woman, Lydia had never truly known the reality of the abortion procedure.

When the client advocate shared with Lydia the facts of this surgical procedure, what exactly would happen to the baby, and the possible risks and side effects for her, Lydia was shocked.

She could not believe she had never understood the real truth.

Now, after learning all of this, she knew, in her heart and soul, she could never have an abortion.

Through the education, the support and the resources provided by the center, coupled with the support of her family, Lydia overcame her fear and doubt and chose life for her child!

Glory and Praise to Our God!