Lydia, a twenty-two year old college student found out that she was pregnant unexpectedly.

She was pressured by the father of the baby to abort their child, so she began searching on the internet for information about getting an abortion.

She clicked on a Heroic Media advertisement placed on Google, which led her to call a Pregnancy Help Center that partners with Heroic Media.

The counselors encouraged Lydia to make an appointment to confirm that she had a viable pregnancy.

She agreed to come in for an appointment and shared that she was considering an abortion but that she was a Christian.

The counselors walked Lydia through her options and asked if she thought God would be with her if she chose to carry her baby.

Her perspective changed and she was open to praying with the counselors.

Lydia had an ultrasound and decided that she wanted to carry and parent her baby!

Ultimately, Lydia needed someone to tell her what she already knew—that life is precious and that God will never leave her or forsake her or her child.

We are rejoicing over this wonderful miracle!